My Mindful Kitchen

Cooking with Love aligning with values child development emotions family setting intentions Jul 08, 2024

Have you ever noticed how you can taste when something is cooked with love? Have you observed how connection and appreciation can enhance the flavor and experience of a meal?

Reflecting on...

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Veggie Vogue: How 2-Week-Old Broccoli Aligns with “a Fashion Find” and Making Good Habits Stick aligning with values food preservation kitchen hacks May 28, 2024

Maybe you know this scenario all too well: while making dinner, you reach into the refrigerator and find that the broccoli you bought two weeks ago is past its prime. You have to throw it...

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4 Traits of a Mindful Foodie aligning with values emotional gr mindful food choices what is a mindful foodie May 03, 2024

When I began sharing the My Mindful Kitchen method with the world, it was because I saw what it could do for anyone interested in how their food choices affect the world around them. There are a...

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Feeding Your Spirit: Unveiling the Power of Mindful Food Choices aligning with values body gratitude innate values mindful food choices Feb 14, 2024

I've been pondering this week the timeless debate of nature versus nurture. Spending considerable time with parents, children, and aspiring Mindful Foodies across generations has led me to a...

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